Kristin Adams

July 2, 2009

It’s been a long time off. Cancer has consumed my thoughts for so long that I decided to take some time off to shift my focus. In doing so, I’ve flown well under the radar and it’s time to check back in.

The past weeks have brought new friends into our life, one of which I’ll introduce now…

On Mother’s Day I had the pleasure and honor to meet with photographer Kristin Adams who took time out of her busy schedule for a photo session with Cain. It was one of those meant to be moments that led me to Kristin a couple of weeks earlier when I was drawn to her business card amongst a slew of others. My intuition proved correct upon my first conversation with Kristin as I learned that we both share a love for bully breeds. Her dog, Chino, was born deaf, as was my dog Bear and she shares the same deep connection and love for her “best friend” that is hard to explain to many. These common threads made me feel as if I were talking to myself on the other end of the line and after exchanging stories and tears, I knew there was something far bigger than a business card that brought us together.

Kristin and Cain all smiles!

Kristin and Cain all smiles!

It was a cloudy day, a great day for a photo shoot I was told, and Kristin was the absolute best. So great in fact, I’m still narrowing down my selections at this writing. (Kristin you’re a saint!)

Kristin, you have a great talent and a wonderful gift of capturing the moment. Thank you for coming into our lives.

To check out more of Kristin’s work, go to

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