National Dog Day

“It is the Human Condition to Love.
It is Love that Changes the Human Condition.
It is the Love of one Human that can Change a Nation.
It is that Love which empowers one Nation, to save man’s best friend
~ Colleen Paige – Founder of National Dog Day

I recently participated in the Morris Animal Foundation Canine Cancer Campaign. It was a day shared from my heart, and an opportunity to meet with people who have lost their dogs to cancer, or are enjoying every moment they have as they help their best friends fight cancer.

From the time Cain was diagnosed, I learned that the gift of every moment, that I had so often taken for granted, could be stolen from me at any given time. The seconds, that turned into minutes, that added up to all of the hours in my day became a bittersweet reminder of how short our gift of time and each moment really is.

Cain’s love for everyone was the inspiration behind the drawing I created one year ago while he sat by my side on a sunny afternoon. It’s that same simple depiction of love that inspired the Love Adds Up campaign. In the words of Colleen Paige “It is the human condition to love.” Sometimes it takes a dog to remind you.

National Dog Day is August 26. Look for the inspiration in your dog. I promise you won’t have to look hard! How will your dog inspire you today?

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