A Long Drive Home

February 19, 2009

Safely back inside the private room I am greeted by Erin Allen from the Argus Institute.  Argus is a counseling and teaching service at CSU that provides emotional support to people who are going through tough times with their animal companions.  Very special people, and in my opinion, with the toughest job there is. My head is spinning and I’m just not ready to discuss Cain’s condition anymore.  Not with her, not with anyone.  Don’t get me wrong, Erin is absolutely wonderful, I just can’t talk. I feel like I’ve been punched in the stomach and my heart is in the back of my throat. Cain is brought to me, tail wagging and a grin that says “let’s go home”.  I exchange hugs with Erin and a promise to stay in touch.

As I walk out into the waiting area,  my dad and a woman I don’t know, give me a hugs.   No words need to be exchanged and we begin a long drive home.